Digital Dentistry

We pride ourselves to be one of the few clinics that practice Digital options everywhere in Dentistry Ranging from recording the patients’ History, Digital Imaging such as RVG, OPG, Lateral Cephalogram, 3-Dimensional CBCT Imaging for better diagnosis, Trios 3-D Intra-oral scanner for three Dimensional scannings of teeth and soft tissues, Digital Treatment Planning, Digital smile designing, Digital Impressions, Computer Aided Designing in prosthesis and computer Aided milling of crowns and prosthesis. Digital Dentistry in a way decreases the chairside time which in turn increases patient comfort.
Digital Smile designing helps the patient to visualize the result of the treatment, which improves patient acceptance. Digital Impressions help in accurately designing the prosthesis which increases the lifespan of crowns. Digital treatment planning in orthodontic braces treatment helps in accurately predicting the treatment outcome.