Pain Management

Tooth pain or tooth ache is the most common reason why people visit a dental clinic. Patient comfort before, during, and after the surgical treatment is the first and foremost component of our treatment care. There are several techniques or methods when it comes to the management of pain ranging from delivering local anesthesia injection to post-procedure pain management. Needless to say, at Veeyes we put patient experience and well-being first. We choose and recommend the technique that will be best suited for the patient.
Three out of four patients who walk into our clinic with tooth ache / dental pain require root canal treatment.We at VEEYES do advanced endodontic treatment procedures such as microscopic endodontics, laser root canal treatment and root canal treatment done under loops for better magnification. A root canal treatment is used to recover or save an decayed, fractured, worn off or infected tooth. Here is a step by step procedure of the treatment:
An opening is made in the infected decayed tooth
The infected pulp located in the hollow part of your tooth is removed and decontaminated
The canals are filled with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha
It is then sealed using a filling and/or crown a that serve as the protection for the tooth
Since this procedure is administered under painless injection technique local anaesthesia, no pain will be felt during the procedure. With proper aftercare as directed by the dentist, you should be able to use the tooth like before in no time.
A tooth extraction is done when the damage on the tooth is beyond repair. Some of the reasons for tooth extraction are:
Dental cavities or infections beyond repair.
Gum disease
Injury or trauma on the tooth or surrounding bone
Wisdom tooth complications
In cases of crowding
As a preparation for dental braces
At the risk of infection
Extra teeth (supernumerary)
Retained primary teeth
Depending on the location of the tooth and severity of the case your dentist will decide if you require a simple extraction or surgical extraction. A simple extraction is done when the tooth is visible, accessible and can be removed in one piece. A surgical extraction is done when the case is complicated and requires the removal of surrounding tissue or bones. In both the cases local anesthesia is administered.
Wisdom teeth are the third and last set of molars that grow during early adulthood. Most people develop four wisdom teeth, but it is also common to develop less than four or no wisdom teeth at all. Even if they erupt, they have issues like partial eruption or not in proper alignment with other teeth. They are located in the furthest parts of the jaws and are harder to clean compared to other molars. This often leads to food lodgement there, leading to infection in the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth (pericoronitis). Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most common surgical practices in the field of dentistry. Some of the reasons for removing it are:
Tooth decay
Repeated pericoronitis
Gum disease Pus formation in gums
Infection in the soft tissue surrounding the tooth
Growth of wisdom teeth in an irregular angle
Alignment issues
Removed in advance as a preventative measure
The shape of your jaw, the position of your teeth and age also play a major role in the decision. Since local anesthesia will be administered, you don’t have to worry about the pain. Patients might feel minor discomfort during the procedure.